At Bridgewater Interiors, our team is always seeking ways to help empower and mentor youth within our greater communities. Consequently, when some of our team members had the chance to partner up with the Junior Achievement USA to teach students financial literacy, they were truly excited for the opportunity!
Our Bridgewater finance team, led by our Chief Financial Officer, John Cloud, and our Assistant Controller, April Scott, recently teamed up with our Adient colleagues to collaborate with Junior Achievement USA to teach a personal finance course to a group of talented students from Detroit’s Mumford High School.
During the virtual course, our team taught the students a variety of financial literacy topics, everything from financial responsibility, to earnings and income, savings, budgeting, credit and debt management, consumer protection, and even, smart shopping.

Our team was so excited to serve and mentor students from students from Detroit’s Mumford High School on financial literacy topics.
Although our team members wish they could have taught the students in person, they truly enjoyed the teaching opportunity. Additionally, they were very impressed by the students’ level of engagement and their strong grasp of the important financial concepts. Our team hopes that this learning session will benefit them post-graduation and beyond!
For the opportunity to participate in this humbling initiative, we would like to give a special thank you to Greg Anderson and Jessica Berry, of Adient, for their commitment to Junior Achievement; to Stacey Mehler at Junior Achievement for giving Bridgewater this opportunity to share its financial expertise/experience; and to Bret Woodley and his students at Mumford High School for inviting Bridgewater into their classroom!
Our team looks forward to teaching and helping more students again in the near future!